Saturday, April 6, 2019

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well and having a great time. We have advanced a lot through the history of music. As you could see, every period has its own elements of interest. However, now we are ready to dive into one of the most thrilling periods in the history of music: the 20th century.

As you have seen, music languages open up as we move forward in history. The 20th century is going to become a melting pot where we can find a lot of different languages and aesthetics in music.

There is going to be a development of tonality that will result in a rupture of this system, appearing new ways to conceive music. As an answer to the radicalism of the new movements, some composers will look back to classical forms, trying to find the clarity and balance of early periods.

This unit is a bit longer than the previous ones, but the 20th century had more diversity than any other previous period in Western music. So I hope you look at this information with curiosity since there are many interesting things to learn about music!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Baroque period

Resultado de imagen de musica barroca

Hello everyone.

We have finished studying the Renaissance, and now it is the turn of the Baroque.

This is an amazing period where we are going to witness great developments, and the birth of the opera. Actually, the Baroque period is one of the most popular ones when we talk about Classical music (most of the pieces that are performed nowadays are from the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods).

You can access the first sections of the unit (secular music, religious music). I will open the rest of the sections as soon as I finish them.

Have a look, and enjoy!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Welcome to our new blog!

Hi everyone!

Resultado de imagen de music historyWelcome to this blog that will be a very useful tool for us. As you know, we do not have a determined textbook this year. This is why I will upload here the contents of each unit. The aim is to have a space where you can check the notes you take in the class (you still have to take notes in your notebooks), to see if they are good, or if there is something we missed at class.

I'd love to have material in order to upload it... so who knows, maybe we can upload a class performance or some interesting works!

Enjoy and see you.