Unit 3. The Baroque period

The arrival of the 17th century brought some interesting aesthetical and cultural changes that had been developing in the last years of the Renaissance. In art, and in music, the term Baroque will refer to the range of years between 1600 and 1750, defining the aesthetic of the period.

Baroque art:

The last decades of the Renaissance had been experiencing a change in the way the world was represented. On the one hand, there was a taste for dramatic and surprising effects. On the other hand, the expensive wars that affected all Europe produced a period of poverty; this was expressed by a rougher aesthetic and the use of violent contrasts.

In general, we can appreciate realistic works, with exaggerated movements. The use of a lot of artistic and striking resources will be usual.

The Baroque in music:

Musically we will see how all this dramatism and sensationalism will result in the use of contrast (between instrumental sections, tempos, dynamics...). We will witness the birth of the first stable orchestras, as well as the rise of the string instruments. In vocal music, a new genre will be created: the opera.

General characteristics:

The music of the Baroque period has some characteristics that are quite particular of this period. The most notorious are:

  • Basso continuo:
  • Movement:
  • Contrast: