3.4. Dance in the Baroque

Resultado de imagen de dance in the baroque period

3.4.1. Social dance

During the Baroque period, dance was a very popular activity (like during the previous period, the Renaissance).

Some of the social dances from the Renaissance remained during this period, although new dances were created. Many of them were performed in pairs, being the most usual combination the Allemande (slow, binary rhythm) and the Courante (fast, ternary rhythm).

Other popular dances were:

  • Chaconne: Spanish sung dance, calm and with a ternary rhythm.
  • Sarabande: a solemn dance from Spain, in a ternary rhythm.
  • Gigue: a fast dance from England in 6/8 time signature.

Below you can see and listen to a chaconne:

The following video shows an example of a gigue:

3.4.2. Ballet

This kind of dance was originated in Italy during the Renaissance, but it is going to become very important in the court of the French king Louis XIV (1643-1715), where the ballet de cour is going to be created. The ballet the cour was a danced theatrical play, that mixed poetry, vocal music, instrumental music, and dance. It started with an instrumental overture and ended with a 'grand ballet'.

During the Baroque, professional ballet dancers replaced the courtiers. This form of dance was professionalized, and the first schools of ballet were created.