5.1. Large Instrumental Forms

Ludwig Van Beethoven was one of the most important figures when it comes to understanding the change between the balance and structural clarity of music from the Classical period, and the newer exotic, innovative and passionate style of the Romantic music. The works by Beethoven, especially his later symphonies, were the new model for the forthcoming composers.

Chamber music became less and less popular, in favor of orchestral music and piano music.

5.1.1. Romantic Orchestra

The size or orchestras increased during this period, due to the composition of large instrumental forms. A Romantic orchestra could have 100 more players than a Classical orchestra. The wind and percussion sections experienced a bigger development, with the inclusion of new instruments.

5.1.2. Symphony and Concerto

Ludwig van Beethoven
During this period, classical instrumental forms such as symphony and concerto were developed attaining new and richer timbres in the orchestra, and making use of the virtuosity of performers.

As we have said, Ludwig V. Beethoven (1770-1827) was a key figure in the development of classical symphony into a new form of music that became one of the most demanding for the forthcoming composers (especially after his renown 9th Symphony, in which a choir was included in this instrumental form for the first time).

Other important symphony composers include Franz Schubert (1797-1828), Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1897), Anton Bruckner (1824-1896), Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) and Gustav Mahler (1860-1911).

Regarding concerto composers, we can name some of the most important composers of this period, such as Robert Schumann (1810-1856), Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849), Franz Liszt (1811-1856) and Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky  (1840-1893).

New musical forms: Program music

Program music was a new kind of composition based on the instrumental description of stories and events, all through the expressiveness of music and orchestration.

There are two main forms in program music: the program symphony and the symphonic poem.

Program symphony

Is an instrumental form made of several movements. Its creator was Héctor Berlioz (1803-1869) with his work Fantastic Symphony.

Symphonic poem

Is an orchestral composition of one movement. The virtuoso player and composer Franz Liszt was the creator of this form, with his piece Les Preludes.

Nationalist composers used the format of program music frequently since it allowed them to use storylines and images that reflected features of their countries.