Unit 2. The Renaissance in music. A new era.

1.    A NEW ERA

In the last years of the Middle Ages, a new way of thinking spread along Europe. Now, human nature is going to become very important, and the great thinkers and artists of the period look back to the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome as models. This form of rational thinking focused on the human being is going to be known as HUMANISM, and is going to be crucial during the period known as RENAISSANCE (15th and 16th centuries).

Humanism is going to be very present in every form of art, producing realistic representations of men, women, and nature.

In music there was not any model from ancient Greece or Rome (since that music was lost), so new forms of music are going to be developed from the models used during the Middle Ages.

Index of the unit:

2.1. The birth of polyphony. Sacred vocal music.

2.2. Secular vocal music.

2.3. Instrumental music.

2.4. The dances in the Renaissance.