3.1. Secular vocal music.

The kind of music composed in the baroque looked for ornamentation and contrast (between the dynamics, the voices, the textures, the timbres, the tempos). Composers wanted to be more expressive.

3.1.1. Polyphony

In the Baroque period, composers continued cultivating polyphonic music. However, the superior voice (the one which is on top) is going to be highlighted, acquiring relevance as the main melody. The rest of the voices are going to accompany that main melody. This is going to originate a new texture, known as accompanied monody.

3.1.2. Birth of the opera

Resultado de imagen de opera musicAround 1607 the first great opera (L'Orfeo, by Claudio Monteverdi), was premiered. This new music became quickly very popular, and is going to be one of the most important genres of all times. 

Characteristics of opera

The opera is a mix of theatre and music. It's written for orchestra, choirs and soloists, and is divided in three parts:
  • Overture: instrumental introduction that begins the piece.
  • Aria: expressive melodies, for the most emotional moments.
  • Recitative: declaimed text for passages that require a more agile progress of the action.
  • Choir: vocal parts performed by a choir, with instrumental accompaniment.
  • Interludes: instrumental sections that are inserted in order to join and put together the different parts of the opera.
Types of opera
  • Opera seria: heroic topics, based on mythology. The favorite of the aristocracy.
  • Opera buffa: plots based on daily life, with a comic character. It was closer to popular audiences.
Below you can enjoy a fragment of Monteverdi's L'Orfeo.

*Picture by Steven Pisano, taken from Feast of Music in Flickr.