4.3. Dance in the Classicism

4.3.1. Ballet d'action 

Resultado de imagen de classical period ballet
By the middle of the 18th century, ballet experienced a transformation that took away poetry or singing, relying on just the dancing and the music to tell the story. This new genre was known as ballet d'action, and is the origin of modern ballet. 

In ballet d'action, the dramatic idea or story is expressed through the conjunction of music, choreography, and stage.

Among the novelties of ballet d'action, we can highlight the following:

  • The importance of the storyline, usually with a tragic ending.
  • The music was at the service of the scene, specially written for dancing.
  • A new dancing technique that gave more importance to gestures, and to delicate and natural movements.
  • The elimination of impractical clothes, wigs and masks.

4.3.2. Social dance: minuet

Minuet was the most important social dance that remained during the Classical period. Apart from being a composition destined to dance, it was also introduced as a movement in symphonies, sonatas and chamber music.